When you go to Ruhani manzil keep your perpose clearly in your mind, either you worry is related to black magic , domestic issue, closure of business , job or children or any other problem.
Whole day with ablution or without ablution (women in any condition) read “ Ya Fatahu “ 1.25 lakh times. It call one course. You may complete 1,3,5,7 or as you can complete. Other than this perform salat-un – tasbhih. In ruhani manzil you may spend 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 21, 41 70 days. You have to follow this process while living in ruhani manzil. inshAllah you will attain your task.
If you have spend time and you have benefited from there don’t forget to write your experiences in Ubqari magazines.